
Stage your Home

How to Stage Your Home for a Sale and Increase its Price by 10%?

How to Stage Your Home for Sale and Increase its Price by 10%?

Whenever you’re out buying something, what catches your eye the most? A shabby-looking item or something that looks prim and proper? Obviously, the latter!

The same reasoning can be applied when putting up your home for sale. The better it looks, the more chance it will be sold off quickly! 

This is where home staging comes into the picture! By highlighting the best aspects of your house, you can get the buyers to imagine what it would be like to move into it and live there.

But, most people are unaware of this little technique, which leaves you at the advantage of selling your home 3 times faster than a regular unstaged one.

Therefore, we have put together some tips on staging your home for sale in the best possible way!

Let’s show you the before and after scenes of Home Staging by Decor2Sell.

Let’s get started.

1. Stage What Needs to Be Staged

Let’s be honest here; Not every room of your home needs to be staged! Only rooms with the highest potential to impress a buyer must be staged at their best. This includes the living room, the kitchen, the primary bedroom, and of course, the dining area. 

Stage Your Home for a Sale and Increase its Price by 10%

So, instead of putting your time and hard-earned money into staging that little closet under the stairs, or the laundry room, it’s better to focus on the main rooms of your house and try to bring out their best look.

2. De-Clutter 

If you want your home to look spacious and welcoming, you need to declutter! If you have extra items lying around the place, like a pile of clothes, or personal belongings, your rooms will look unkempt and smaller. 

Stage Your Home for Sale

Also, it will distract the buyers and have them focus on the clutter instead of the rooms. So, start by putting away papers, magazines, flyers, extra clothes, personalized decor items, etc. Try to make your rooms as clutter-free as possible and only leave the essential items, like a few generic decor items or artwork and furniture.

Also, you don’t have to get rid of those items necessarily. Just put them away out of sight in storage containers or wicker baskets to free up space for the place to look more airy, breathable, and of course, roomy.

3. Clean Till it Shines

One thing that impresses potential buyers is a spotless home. Even if your house is small, deep-cleaning it before the buyers’ visit gives them the impression that you have taken care of it well. 

Stage Your kitchen for sale

So, whether you have old furniture or electrical appliances, make sure they are sparkly clean to appear in mint condition. Also, cleaning every corner of the house, including the bathrooms, kitchens, and closets, is crucial for a nicely-staged home.

4. Fix It

Do you have paint that’s peeling away? A broken corner of the kitchen counter? A cracked tile? A hole in the wall? Well, it’s time to fix it! 

Fix Your Home for a Sale

Visit the DIY store and get everything you need, from a foam eraser to paints, cement, etc. Go from one room to the other, checking for anything that needs to be repaired. Get it done before the buyers pay a visit. 

Now that everything is fixed, you have a well-maintained home that will surely make the buyer inclined toward buying it.

5. Tone Down a Bit

If you love colors and vibrant walls, good for you. However, loud colors can sometimes put off buyers as they make the house look cramped and dimmed.

Style Your Home for a Sale

So, while you’re staging your home for a sale, make sure to switch to neutral-colored walls, like white, grey, or cream. Also, anything else that might be too bright, like your couch or artwork, must be replaced with something subtle.

This will make your home look well-lit and welcoming and give the buyers an idea if they want to add colors to it or not once they move in.

6. Flooring

Another important factor in a well-staged house is the flooring. If you’ve been using carpets, chances are they are shabby and worn. Could you get rid of them? Replace old carpets and rugs with hardwood or vinyl flooring. 

Stage Your Home for a Sale and Increase its Price by 10%

As for the kitchen and bathrooms, either get ceramic tiles to give them a new look or go for stone flooring. 

If you can’t afford to get new flooring, use floor cleaning products to give the existing flooring a nice scrub till you get rid of all the spots and stains. 

7. Light It Up

A well-lit home is brighter and seems more inviting. So, before the buyers’ visit, open all the curtains to use natural light. Besides that, switch on all the lights in your house so that every nook and corner is well-lit and doesn’t appear shadowy. 

Stage Your Home for a Sale and Increase its Price by 10%

If any light fixtures need to be repaired, now is the right time. Clean all the chandeliers and light stands so they give out a nice bright glow. Also, adding a few lamps to the corners of your rooms makes for a warm and cozy ambiance, making your home look grand.

8. Furniture that Fits

Furniture is the most important part of staging your home for sale. Ensure that you don’t have excessive furniture items in your rooms because they will give a cramped appearance. Also, the furniture should be the right size for the room, not too big or too small. 

Stage Your Home for a Sale and Increase its Price by 10%

For example, the living room should just have couches, a center table, a few shelves, and a television. Anything more than that will make it look small. Similarly, a bedroom should have a bed, side tables, and a lounge chair. If it’s a kid’s bedroom, you can add a desk. Anything less will make the room appear cold. 

Additionally, you can add a few wall hangings and artwork to make the room look nice and cozy.

However, if your furniture is old and worn out, you can take help from home staging companies like Decor2Sell, to replace your furniture with new and modern-looking items.

9. Exterior Staging

While the interior staging of your house is important, the exterior also plays an important role in getting the buyer to go for it. 

Stage Your Home for a Sale and Increase its Price by 10%

If you’re putting up a house for sale, ensure the garden is well-kept and the exterior walls are free of cracks and peels. If possible, get a fresh coat of paint. Also, adding some planters and garden globe lights at the entrance looks quite elegant and welcoming. 

Put away all the extra stuff scattered in your backyard, like children’s toys, gardening equipment, dustbins, etc. And, if you have a small pond in your lawn, make sure it has fresh, clean water devoid of leaves and algae accumulation.

10. Last-Minute Arrangements

Now that you have cleaned, lit, spruced up, and rearranged the furniture and other items in your home, it’s time for some final touches right before the buyers come to look.

stylish space

This includes putting fresh flowers in the vases, opening the windows to let in some fresh air, replacing the linen with fresh ones, turning on the essential oil diffuser, or lighting up some candles to get rid of any odors lingering around the house. 

How Can We Help?

Staging a house may seem like a simple process, but it never hurts to get help from someone who knows all the ins and outs of home staging. 

Decor2Sell is a family-owned business that styles properties and stages homes to enhance their best features. We deal in partial staging for currently occupied homes and full staging for vacant properties.

Find us on Google Maps for Melbourne.

Also, we provide home staging tips on how to and how much to stage a house for sale, so you don’t have to spend too much on making your home presentable. 

So, if you want to sell your house and are looking for home staging companies in Melbourne and Brisbane, you know who to reach out to! 

Final Word

We have rounded up some home staging tips for 2022 to help you sell your house fast! From rooms to stage to arranging furniture in the best possible way and ideas to create a welcoming ambiance in your home, you will find everything to present your home in a way that impresses the buyers and has them seal the deal!